It’s time to modernise

Since its introduction in 1984 attitudes have changed to Funerals and how we look after both the deceased and the bereaved. It’s time to update the legislation on statutory funerals and make them reflect changes in how society views death and funeral provision.

We are asking Local Authorities to pledge that they will follow the guidance on Public Health Funerals issued in September 2020, and agree to adhere to the five guiding principles.

  • Ensure the Deceased are treated with dignity and respect
  • Minimise public health risks
  • Be considerate of the bereaved, make an effort to find next of kin and keep them informed
  • Recoup costs as far as possible
  • Be transparent

If you haven’t read the guidance it can be see here: Public health funerals: good practice guidance

We are also asking for support to ask the Government to review and renew the legislation to ensure that it continues to be fit for purpose.

Sign the Pledge